Privacy Policy

Respecting your privacy:

QLD Catalytic Recyclers Pty Ltd (“ QLD Catalytic Recyclers”) respect your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. QLD Catalytic Recyclers is committed to ensuring that all personal information it holds about individuals is handled in accordance with the National Privacy Principles as (NPPs) set out in Schedule 3 of the Privacy Act 1988. QLD Catalytic Recyclers has adopted the NPPs which set out clear standards for the collection, access, storage and use if personal information which we may obtain for the purposes of marketing analysis, to facilitating a sale or a lead to a sale, a copy is available on request.

This Privacy Policy sets out:

Matters of which you should be aware regarding information we may collect about you, our policies on the management of personal information, and generally, what type of information we hold, its intended purpose, and how we collect, hold, use and disclose that information.


In order to respond to any email enquires, to facilitate a potential sale or any form of marketing campaigns or competitions, we may collect various types of personal information from you such as your:

  1. name
  2. address
  3. age
  4. gender
  5. job profession
  6. billing and delivery information
  7. telephone/contact numbers
  8. email address
  9. credit card information *

* With regards to credit card information, QLD Catalytic Recyclers only collects this information and passes this information to an approved Internet Gateway Provider for the sole purpose of completing a payment. This information is sent to the Internet Gateway Provider using only an approved 128 bit encryption certificate. QLD Catalytic Recyclers does not store nor hold an individual’s credit card information in any shape or form throughout the payment process.

QLD Catalytic Recyclers may collect personal information online when:

  • You register to become a member of a forum or QLD Catalytic Recyclers club
  • You participate in online surveys
  • You participate in online promotions, premiums or contests
  • You submit questions or comments to us
  • You request information or materials
  • You use our services to make orders for selling or buying of any QLD Catalytic Recyclers’s products

QLD Catalytic Recyclers only collect personal information that is necessary for the needs of the organisation, and as far as is reasonable, attempt not to collect any personal information which is unnecessary or in excess of its requirements.

QLD Catalytic Recyclers undertakes to always collect personal information in a manner that is lawful and fair, and unless not practical, will only collect it directly from the individual concerned.

Where QLD Catalytic Recyclers needs to collect any sensitive information from an individual, it will only do so where consent has been obtained from the individual.

Generally, you have no obligation to provide information requested by QLD Catalytic Recyclers. However, if you chose to withhold the requested information, we may not be able to provide you with the goods and services that depend on the collection of that information, particularly if the collection of that information is required by law.

Use and Disclosure

QLD Catalytic Recyclers will only use an individual’s personal information for the purposes for which it was collected. Such purposes may include:

  • Where you have requested QLD Catalytic Recyclers to pick up or drop off any of QLD Catalytic Recyclers products at a nominated address, we would need your address details
  • Where you wish to make a credit card payment, we would need your credit card details
  • Contacting you regarding an email enquiry or any competitions or contest you entered into, we would need your contact details
  • Email a tax invoice regarding buying or selling any of QLD Catalytic Recyclers products, we would need your email address
  • Email a confirmation of your purchase or sale, we would need your email address
  • Where you have selected to be informed of future promotions, specials, and any new products and services, we would need your email address or postal address

QLD Catalytic Recyclers has dealing with certain organisations in the day to day running of the business which may require them to disclose personal information to a third party. These third party organisations are involved in providing, managing or administering your product or services such as third party suppliers, other group organisations, loyalty and affinity program partners, printers, posting services, financial institutions, merchants, and payment organisations.

You have the right to tell us that you do not want to us to send information to you other than for the main purpose for which we have collected your personal details. We will only send you information if you have chosen for us to do so.

If the personal information is to be used or disclosed for any other purpose that was not alluded to on collection, QLD Catalytic Recyclers will seek the consent of the individual, unless:

  • it is impractical to get consent;
  • it is used for a closely related secondary purpose or there would be a reasonable expectation that the information may be used in such a way;
  • disclosure is required by law or to protect an imminent threat to health and safety.

Data Quality

QLD Catalytic Recyclers will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information held is complete, accurate and up to date. Before QLD Catalytic Recyclers use or disclose any personal information after collection, it will take steps to ensure the information is still accurate and up to date.

Furthermore, all personal information held will be reviewed annually by the Privacy Officer. If it is deemed that the personal information is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected, or for any closely related secondary purpose, the information will be either permanently de-identified or destroyed.

If an individual wishes to update any personal information QLD Catalytic Recyclers hold, please contact the Privacy Officer, and the information will be updated unless it is unreasonable to do so.

Data Security

QLD Catalytic Recyclers will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information is kept secure and protected from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

All paper-based information is stored inside secured areas that require pin or key entry. All computer-based data are password protected and only those with authoisation have access to these pass-codes.

All credit card transactions via a data transmission is protected by a approved 128 bit encryption certificate.

Access to the information is limited to this information, and is only accessed by… (HR Officers, CEO, MD, those who need to use the info for the purpose for which it was collected ie. sales reps, financial controller, credit officer etc)


For a copy of QLD Catalytic Recyclers’ Privacy Policy Document, please contact the Privacy Officer.

QLD Catalytic Recyclers will grant access to an individual in regards to the personal information held about them unless access:

  • a. poses a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of any person;
  • b. access would unreasonable impact on the privacy of others;
  • c. the request is frivolous or vexatious requests
  • d. the information requested is related to existing or anticipated legal dispute resolution proceedings;
  • e. access would prejudice negotiations;
  • f. access would be unlawful;
  • g. denial of access is required or authorised by law;
  • h. access would prejudice an investigation of unlawful activity

Where QLD Catalytic Recyclers refuses to grant access, reasons will be given in writing to the individual concerned.

Where access is requested, QLD Catalytic Recyclers may impose charges for providing access. These charges will not be excessive and are to cover any costs involved incurred by QLD Catalytic Recyclers.


QLD Catalytic Recyclers shall not adopt any government identifiers as a means to identify individuals personal information, this means that QLD Catalytic Recyclers does not require or request personal government identifiers like tax file numbers or Medicare numbers as a means of identifying an individual’s personal information.


Where practical, QLD Catalytic Recyclers recognises the right for individuals to remain anonymous in any transactions.

Transborder Data Flow

QLD Catalytic Recyclers undertakes not to disclose personal information to someone in a foreign country that is not subject to a comparable information privacy scheme, except where the individual has consented to this disclosure.

QLD Catalytic Recyclers is not prevented from transferring personal information outside Australia to its other company headquarters in other countries.


If an individual thinks QLD Catalytic Recyclers have interfered with his or her privacy, please contact the Privacy Officer, and attempts will be made to resolve the issued.

If the individual and QLD Catalytic Recyclers cannot resolve the complaint between themselves, the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner may be contacted to assist in conciliating the matter. The Office may do this using letters and phone calls, or in some cases, face-to-face meetings. In the majority of cases, the complaint is resolved this way. As a last resort, the Commissioner can make a formal determination. If an organisation does not comply with the determination either the Commissioner or the complainant can seek to have it enforced by the Federal Court.

More Information:

More information about Privacy Law and the National Privacy Principles is available from the Federal Privacy Commissioner at

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